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Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council

Views towards Yes Tor on Dartmoor

News Archive

Become a Trustee for Okehampton United Charity

Do you live, work or have an interest in Okehampton and its Hamlets (Brightley, Southcott, Meldon and Stockley). Are you interested in helping the local community?

Could you give the equivalent to one day a month to become a Trustee of a significant local grant making endowment charity?

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8th January 2025

Changes to the Devon bus network for January 2025

Changes to the Devon bus network for January 2025

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16th December 2024

Okehampton and Okehampton Hamlets Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 17 Hearing

A public hearing relating to the Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 17 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) is due to take place at 10am on 11th April 2024 in the Town Hall, Fore Street, Okehampton.

Notice of Hearing (pdf)

Okehampton Town and Hamlets Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation

Paper copies of the Plan are available from the Town Hall or can be downloaded from the West Devon Borough Council website

Consultation Public Notice (pdf)

Celebrating 125 years of Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council

Okehampton Celebrates in the Park - congratulations to everyone taking part in the celebrations on Sunday 9th July, it was a great day with local organisations working together for all the community.
Thank you to all those who took part in The Hamlets 'Identify the Photograph' competition, we hope you enjoyed trying to work out where they were taken. The lucky 2 winners, both young ladies, will receive their prizes shortly.
Answers to the Quiz are below.

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Meldon Woods and Old Town Park Local Nature Reserve

Those that have visited either of these two places recently may have noticed some colourful markings that have been placed on some trees, why and what is happening you may be asking?
Nothing to worry about - no trees are being cut down !!
The Hamlets Council are in the process of producing a 5 Year Management Plan for both areas, this it to help protect the woodland and to enhance the wildlife, flora and fauna for everyone to enjoy in the future. The markings are to help identify particular trees and their locations


Are you concerned about vehicles exceeding Speed Limits?

Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council have set up a local Speedwatch Group and need some volunteers to help out. You will not be expected to speak to, or stop any drivers, you only need to record vehicle registration numbers and you will always be volunteering with two or three others. If you would like to help out on an occasional basis, please contact the Parish Clerk -

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